Tuesday 29 July 2014

Projects, Pinks and Pups!

But not the kind of pups you might think! More of that later........

I just can't believe how fast this summer is flying by! Since I took early retirement a few years ago I hardly ever really notice the date unless I need to, for birthdays etc and was so surprised to realise that July is almost over when it seems it's only just begun!

There are so many reasons to be outside as much as possible, enjoying the warm, and often downright HOT, sunny days. Hot, sticky nights are not so great but hey, I'm not complaining!! Tending the garden, going for long country walks, any excuse really to get the sun on my skin but not TOO much, of course. And the evenings are so long and beautiful too.... So any crafting really has to be done out-of-doors as it's just too lovely to be inside. Having said that, today is overcast and we're having sprinklings of drizzly rain so I am indoors - and the result is Pineapple and Cherry Upside Down Sponge for tea!
A nice surprise for P when he gets home!

I have been working on some crafty projects too. My second cushion is now finished! I'm really pleased with how these have turned out......

And I enjoyed doing them so much that I am now debating whether to do a matching lap blanket/ throw to go with them. I'll think about that one......

Meanwhile, I have also finished a mini version of my Rainbow Ripple Cot Blanket. This one is a generous pram/ stroller/ crib size.

 Just the ends to weave in, my least favourite bit, and then it's done!
Another one I can cross off as finished! 

I still have several Oh-So-Nearly-Finished projects, like my little Carnival Hoodie which is still waiting for its teddy bear buttons to be sewn on! 
The matching blanket does have all its ends sewn in now tho'. Just the buttons and then I'll be ready to list it on Etsy with my other things.

Despite saying I wouldn't, I have also started a new project. I know I shouldn't but hey-ho, there ya' go! I made the mistake of going with my friend J, to a craft shop that I hadn't visited before and as soon as we walked in there, right in front of us, were the cutest knitted dungarees! Well, we both loved them so much we bought yarn and patterns there and then! I think I have done VERY well to resist this long before starting on them, especially as J, who won't mind me saying is a fairly novice knitter, has actually finished hers - and a matching cardy and bootees and a little teddy too! And she has done a fine job 'cos they look lovely. Here is mine so far.....
It's too early to tell yet maybe, but they really look lovely when finished and pressed etc. I'll show you when they're done. I think I'll be doing my trademark hoodie to match mine. 

Well that's it for this update craft-wise, but before I go I thought you might like to see my orchid which has been flowering almost continuously for about three or more years now!
 Just GORGEOUS isn't it?
And I'm SO excited because my bromeliad with the amazing huge pink flower, which you can see here,
is having pups!! Yes, that's what they are called! At the moment she has two which are about ready to be 'delivered' and two more very small ones just starting to show!! And if I can raise them, which is apparently fairly easy, in 2 or 3 years time they will produce beautiful flowers like this too. How exciting is that! And on that very happy note I'll say BFN, catch ya' later! T xx

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