Wednesday 1 October 2014


Well Hooky Mates, it's been a very exciting few days! The highlight has, of course, been the Yarndale event held last weekend. I had bought tickets last April for myself and the lovely E to go on Sunday and we have both been looking forward with eager anticipation ever since! And I can tell you that we were not disappointed! The entire day was a joyful cornucopia of everything to do with yarn-based crafts and a feast for the senses and creative spirit.

Our day began with a pleasant train journey to Skipton with many other Yarndalers. We were lucky enough to have a fine, sunny day and so, although there were lovely old red buses laid on to take people from the station to the venue, we chose to take the Yarn Walk through the park instead. What a joy that was! Lucy of Attic 24 has been working with local schools on 'yarn-bombing' projects based around bicycles and she and her army of helpers had done an amazing job of lining the route through the park with colourful crochet bunting, Yarndale signs and decorated bicycles like the ones below.

Aren't they just WONDERFUL! 
I could have photographed them all - but then it would have taken an hour to get to the venue!!

Once we did arrive this is what greeted us in the entrance!
Just beautiful!
But let's not linger tooooo long because there is so much more to see inside!

If you have been following Lucy's Attic 24 blog you will know that she has not only been making Mandalas herself but people have been sending them to her from all over the place. This grill, above the area where the stalls were, was decorated with literally hundreds of them!! This shot is just a very small sample. I love them - especially the first on the left of the top row in this picture.

But wait! If you think they are good just look at Lucy's GIANT Mandalas which attracted Yarndalers into the area of Lucy's Yarndale Attic, where yet more delights were waiting! If you want to know more about the mandalas check out Lucy's blog here

Meanwhile, the photos below give you some idea of just how great they are.

Beyond the Mandalas more delights were waiting........
with this AMAZING wreath created by Lucy being one of my absolute favourites! 

The prize for the most colour in one display has to go to this stall! This is a shot of just one little bit of this stallholder's display which was quite literally a riot of colour!

Well, after much pleasant wandering, lots of touching & feeling and feasting of eyes, very many ooohs & aaahs and quite a few purchases there was only one final thing to finish off our day - a special appearance of a unique sheepdog herding equally unique Swaledale sheep! 

Unique as they are, they could not compare with these little guys on the cuteness front tho'!! 
These adorable alpacas attracted a lot of attention. 

Well, it was finally time to leave Yarndale after a really great day.  And there was just enough time for cake for E and scone and jam for me, washed down with a pot of tea, all enjoyed in the quirky uniqueness of The Cake 'Ole in Skipton! You really must check it out if you get the chance! Great cake in mind-boggling surroundings, just like something out of Alice In Wonderland! And the cuckoo clocks DO work!!

 The perfect end to a perfect day!

So, that's Yarndale over for this year - can't wait for the next!!
HUGE thanks to Lucy and all the organisers for a fantastic event!

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