Sunday 18 May 2014

To border or not to border?

Well, on this beautiful, bright and sunny Sunday morning I am faced with a dilemma - to border or not to border?!! I'll explain........

VERY late last night - well, this morning actually - I FINISHED my Rainbow Ripple blanket!!!!!!!!


I'm REALLY pleased with it - and now totally addicted to rippling! I just couldn't put it down as I got nearer and nearer to those last few rows! And since P is away at the moment I just kept going!

I SO want to start another one, a smaller one maybe next time -  a pram/buggy blanket......

But STOP! Here I go again, can't wait to rush on to the next project before I've even properly finished or savoured this one!! Which leads me back to my dilemma......... to border or not to border?

You see, even when I have finished tidying up the remaining loose ends at the side, those edges, although neat and straight, are still..... well, a bit unfinished looking to me.

So, I have experimented with creating a border down the side edges. After two or three attempts to get the right effect I quite like this one..........

'cos it echoes the ripples along the top and bottom edges. BUT, does it detract from the continuity and flow of the ripples themselves because of the different colour at the ends of each wave and because it goes in the opposite direction?
I can't decide......... 

To border or not to border, that IS the question!

With?                                           Without?
I guess I'll do what I usually do...... I'll carry on with the border down one side and then compare the two sides and decide to either continue down the other side or undo what I've done......

Decisions, decisions..............

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